I am deeply grateful to all of the crew people, friends, neighbors, well-wishers, businesses, sponsors, volunteers, education partners, and government agencies that made my Earth Day 2015 swim in the Gowanus Canal a success.

My intention is to shine a light on the Gowanus Canal, and to make it more friends. 

I hope to set the stage for an accelerated clean-up effort, one that results in a Gowanus Canal that is safe for swimming every day.

 I am working with the City of New York to find a mutually-convenient date on which to swim the entire length of the Canal, later this spring.  

Interested in being notified about the date of my next swim?  Want to learn how you can support the effort? Sign up for email updates.

Thanks again to everyone who came out to show their support for a swimmable Gowanus Canal.

I'll see you again, soon!