Welcome to our Wildlife Inventories page, generously sponsored by Kristin Mellen!

White Tailed Deer walks upstream along the Mohawk River

White Tailed Deer walks upstream along the Mohawk River

\Wildlife inventories are compiled from field notes of Mohawk River Swim "Crew Guy" Andy Norris and--occasionally--those of Christopher the Swimmer.

Wildlife Inventory: 12/18/2014

American crow


European starling

ring-billed gull

bald eagle


Wildlife Inventory: 12/8/2014

American crow


European starling

Canada goose

wood duck

common merganser

ring-billed gull

red-tailed hawk


Wildlife Inventory: 12/7/2014

American crow


Canada goose

grey squirrel


Wildlife Inventory: 12/6/2014

American crow


European starling

Canada goose

ring-billed gull

black-capped chickadee

red-tailed hawk


Wildlife Inventory: 12/5/2014

American crow


Canada goose


Wildlife Inventory: 12/4/2014

American crow


bald eagle

European rock dove

European starling

Canada goose

ring-billed gull


beaver sign


Wildlife Inventory: 11/23/2014

American crow

northern cardinal


dark-eyed junco

European rock dove

European starling

Canada goose

American black duck

wood duck


ring-billed gull

blue jay

belted kingfisher

great blue heron

red-tailed hawk


White-tailed deer

beaver sign

striped skunk


Wildlife Inventory: 11/21/2014

Canada goose 

northern raven


American widgeon

American crow

European rock dove

red-tailed hawk

wood duck

downy woodpecker

song sparrow

field sparrow

dark-eyed junco

northern cardinal

European starling

ring-billed gull

black duck

common merganser

blue jay


turkey tracks in snow

eastern cottontail tracks in snow

Note: the worker at Lock 16 told us when they drain the locks for maintenance, they often reveal common mudpuppy salamanders, an entirely aquatic species that can grow to 17 inches.


Wildlife Inventory: 11/20/2014

American crow

European rock dove

European starling

American robin


red-tailed hawk

bald eagle

common merganser

American black duck

dark-eyed junco

ruby-crowned kinglet

Canada goose

snow bunting

tufted titmouse


Wildlife Inventory: 11/19/2014

white-breasted nuthatch

black-capped chickadee

American crow

European starling

European rock dove

red-tailed hawk

northern cardinal

blue jay


Canada goose

pileated woodpecker

downy woodpecker

gray squirrel


Wildlife Inventory: 11/17/14

American crow

European rock dove

European starling


Canada goose

blue jay

common merganser


Wildlife Inventory: 11/11/2014

European rock dove

European starling

American crow

ring-billed full

American robin

red-tailed hawk

Canada goose


Canada goose


downy woodpecker

northern flicker

great blue heron

American black duck

brown-headed cowbird

white-breasted nuthatch

red-winged blackbird


grey squirrel


Wildlife Inventory: 11/10/2014

ringed-billed gull

American crow

song sparrow

black-capped chickadee

American robin

European rock dove

blue jay


great blue heron

white-tailed deer


raccoon tracks

red fox tracks 


Wildlife Inventory: 11/8/2014

European starling

American crow

American robin

blue jay

ring-billed gull

European rock dove

red-tailed hawk

American goldfinch

double-crested cormorant

black-capped chickadee



mink tracks

bobcat tracks

Wildlife Inventory: 11/4/2014

pileated woodpecker

downy woodpecker

European rock dove

American crew

European starling

red-winged blackbird

turkey vulture

ring-billed gull

Canada goose

mallard duck


great blue heron tracks

muskrat tracks

Wildlife Inventory: 10/29/2014

red-bellied woodpecker

Canada goose

ruby-crowned kinglet

American crow

European rock dove

broad-winged hawk

American goldfinch

blue jay

wood duck

white-breasted nuthatch

dark-eyed junco

Eastern bluebird

downy wood pecker

yellow-rumped warbler

mallard duck

Wildlife Inventory 10/28/2014:

common crow

European rock dove

European starling

European house sparrow

ring-billed gull

American goldfinch

house finch

belted kingfisher

ruby-crowned kinglet

mallard duck

American robin

Cooper's hawk

blue jay

red squirrel

Wildlife Inventory 10/27/2014:

red-bellied woodpecker

blue jay

dark-eyed junco

American robin

common crow

black-capped chickadee

bald eagle

Canada goose

mourning dove

Wildlife Inventory: 10/23/2014

black-capped chickadee

white-throated sparrow

American crow

Canada goose

eastern bluebird

dark-eyed junco

wood duck

blue jay

red-winged blackbird

common grackle

song sparrow



great blue heron



Wildlife Inventory 10/22/2014

American crow

black-capped chickadee

dark-eyed junco

Canada goose

yellow-rumped warbler

pileated woodpecker

hairy woodpecker



Wildlife Inventory 10/21/2014

house finch

European house sparrow

turkey vulture

great blue heron

eastern bluebird

European rock dove

black-capped chickadee

American robin

Canada goose

common grackle

dark-eyed junco

mallard duck

red fox

Wildlife Inventory 10/20/2014

common merganser

red-tailed hawk

ring-billed gull

black scoter

double-crested cormorant

Bonapartes gull

turkey vulture

black-capped chickadee

white-breasted nuthatch

blue-winged teal

greater yellowlegs

European starling

yellow-rumped warbler

pied-billed grebe

American crow

song sparrow

Canada goose

American goldfinch

Coopers hawk

northern flicker


mallard duck

monarch butterfly



beaver dam